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Latest nightmare7six’s art

the voice inside of Flora's head LEVEL 1

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9 months ago

  • 1monthOCcontest

  • medibangpaint

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  • FiveNightsatFreddy's

The voice doesn't have a body, that is why it took over flora's body. I drew them how flora sees them. I drew them with a halo with horns because flora doesn't know if they are trying to help her or take advantage of her. "help" because they saved flora from the dark closet after flora being in there for years to be forgotten. "take advantage" because flora is now stuck in her head and watching so many people getting killed by the voice that took over her body. the voice calls flora "my toy, my puppet, my excuse" because they can do whatever and flora will get the blame. when the voice is in control, flora's eye color changes to orange and she has a big grin on. :)

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