일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Black liquorice의 일러스트

*old* jelly buns

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  • art

  • oldart

  • Old

Here’s an old drawing from my PaigeeWorld account before the community shut down, yeah, I used to have an account on there, it was called Kirbythewerehog, I also have an account on Deviantart also called Kirbythewerehog and this account used to be called Kirbythewerehog before I’ve changed it to Black Liquorice.

Anyway, back to the actual drawing, this was made back in December 2018 when I was obsessed with Sonic the Werehog (don’t ask). I’m better now, as if I want something to be based on a particular character from a long runner, I would be happy with Kirby, Boo and Luigi. But anyway, I wasn’t a very good artist then and the lines on this are from me not making another layer underneath this like I would usually do nowadays in case I needed to do something with that particular part of the drawing. Yeah, it hasn’t aged too well.

Art was by my 2018 self.

    다음 작품

    신작순 Black liquorice의 일러스트


    Gamer Cartoonist
    Black liquorice


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