일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Pokki의 일러스트

DataVerse OC - The Last Construct

즐겨찾기 5


  • medibangpaint

Constructs are exceptionally rare, forming only when sufficient elemental magic is gathered in a place with a suitable container nearby. Thus, only two had ever been birthed on Earth: Alcant’Rez and Desmi’Rez. The twins spent their early days frolicking in the barren ground, growing nature wherever they went. Alcant’Rez was always the playful one, and always won the games. The twin constructs travelled the globe, spreading growth wherever they moved, turning deserts and barren rock into thick, jungled overgrowth.

In the Industrial Age, Desmi’Rez earned the adversity of some humans after destroying a city with plants, and thus was assassinated by an unknown automaton by moonlight sky. Desmi’Rez was hung by a sickle staff for all to see, and Alcant’Rez was from that moment onwards all alone.

After the humans had fully harvested the corpse of Desmi’Rez, they realized the energy potential of such beings. As such, the automaton has been hired again, and she never misses her mark.

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    신작순 Pokki의 일러스트


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