插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 MilkyStars的插畫

My Brain, June 2020

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 45


  • 2020年6月主題:街頭塗鴉

  • medibangpaint

  • love

  • graffiti

  • peace

  • messy

  • onelove

  • mybrain

  • nohate

I debated whether to post this, let alone submit this for the contest, for a while. I still don't know whether I should be posting it or not. It's not very well organised or structured or anything, but. *gestures vaguely*

I guess it communicates how my brain works and thinks about things. My headspace in June was very...not good when it came to a lot of things. Between the current events and my more personal life things were just...weird. (I think this is how the giant mask with the X on it came to be in it: when I was working on the image early on, that mask felt *so* important. It's funny now how it feels so large and garish. My current headspace feels so far away from that time.)

Most of what's written are band names, music artists and snippets of song lyrics I love. There are some I never got around to writing, and it feels wrong to change it now. Other things are just words and phrases I love and want to plaster everywhere to make change. The cute drawings and doodles, too.



    上傳時間 MilkyStars的插畫





    今天的LEVEL UP