일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트

Ester's life comic

즐겨찾기 2


  • medibangpaint

this is Ester Li. She is a fairly bubbly 15 year old who's best friends are Harmony, Miles, and Oliver. life events:
0: Born to loving mom and dad.
1: says first word.
2: gets aet ferret, names it asperges.
3: goes to ER after allergic reaction to cashews.
4: Comforts crybaby that goes to park every Tuesday, the crybaby is her furture best friend.
5: Becomes queen of the teddy bears.
6: Gets scolded for running in the hall at school.
7: Invites her new friend over for the first time.
8: drinks one of dad's beers.
9: has first sleep over, let's friend sleep in her bed.
10: discovers love for flowers and dress shirts.
11: Trys heels on for the first time, hates it.
12: gets braces, also hates those.
13: has first romantic encounter.
14: Writes and burns first love letter in one day.
15: Does improv with new friend to help him with drama class, has way too much fun.
things used for life events: Character biography (website), Heads off (game), and I came up with a lot on my own.

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    신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트




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