일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Salli의 일러스트

At the Bus Stop (part 1) LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 2


  • 만화

  • 스케치

  • 창작

  • manga

  • funny

  • 자캐

  • medibang

  • pencil

  • brothers

  • I_Am_Hero_One

🎉🥳 Surprise!!! 🥳🎉

This is what I've been busy with for the last few weeks! I'm so excited about this one! The cover took the longest and I did my best with it, but I think the manga is better than the cover!

For now this is part one. I have to finish drawing the rest of this mini chapter, which I have no idea how long would take. ( I'm kinda sidetracked with a few other projects! I'll be posting a sneak peek of them in a topic later!)
Also, this mini will only include Hermishi and Mordicī, you know just two dudes out and about on a regular day. The next few minis I'll try to include more characters!

Anyway Thanks for Viewing and if you like it you know what to do!!!

Most of all, let me know what you think!!!

~FÄDEE ♥️♥️

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    신작순 Salli의 일러스트


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