일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Ika yushika의 일러스트

"I love you.."

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A girl was walking home one day, daydreaming of eating her favourite meal as she arrives in front of her ‘haunted’ mansion. She saw an empty-looking boy; long-haired with a face full of dirt walking around.

She interrogates him, but all of the questions are unanswered. Finally, the stranger talks when she asks about his parents. “They abandoned me. I’m a burden,” The girl smiles. She invites him into her big haunted mansion. “I will give anything you desire. Food, expensive clothes, even money! Won’t you come in with me?” she offers her slender hand.

The boy hesitated, but then he agreed naively. ‘ Welcome, my prey...’ the girl grins as they walk into the mansion.

~Hi! This is my first attempt on drawing using watercolour brush. Hope you can help me improve :D !~

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    신작순 Ika yushika의 일러스트


    Ika yushika


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