일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang


Odessa platform is the world’s leading equipment l

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  • equipment

  • software

  • lease

  • leasing

  • administration

Odessa is an equipment leasing software company exclusively focused on the leasing industry, and the developer of the Odessa platform. Headquartered in Philadelphia, USA, Odessa’s leasing software solutions and workforce of 850+ power a diverse customer base of leasing companies globally. Odessa provides a powerful, end-to-end, extensible lease management software for lease and loan origination and portfolio management. The Odessa Platform further provides rich feature sets including developer tools, test automation, reporting and business intelligence to ensure organizations can more effectively align business and IT objectives. Learn more at https://www.odessainc.com/

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