일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트

Attempt at the borderlands style (desc idk) LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 4


  • digital

  • Nicolas

  • 가정용게임기

  • Borderlands

  • Attempt

  • Hope299GAMES

I had a break for like 2 days realized the adopts were a week old I guess that's over now-
I recently got this done so ye. I don't think I fully matched the style but I did ok. Yes I tried to avoid putting him in a crop top, yes I failed. I think his caption is fun and I had to improvise with the front to just match nicolas cus I couldn't find the specific one borderlands uses. I used a lot of brushes and techniques I never use it was a bit wild.
I'm feeling mostly better than I was before so yay. Still not 100% but ok enough to be more active even just 2 and a half days helped. For those of you who saw the topic Daisy Petals came in the mail and is happily in my display with my plant Shopkins :] still waiting on Angel and Tia Tigerlily, tho they're from ebay they're gonna take awhile (DP was from mecari which is faster in my experience).
Working on a few things now that motivation has returned. It's nice having no art expectations for a few days, brings some motivation back for me.

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    신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트




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