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Latest 萱萱 - Elaine Lai’s art

美男吸血鬼 比Rouge還要迷人的妳【拿破崙】

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6 years ago

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【美男吸血鬼】(CYBIRD 目前尚未中文化的遊戲)
遊戲主要是在說女主角正在周遊法國途中,來到了著名的羅浮宮。結果宮中出現一道門,她憑著好奇心去打開了那道門。卻沒想到,自己穿越到了19世紀的法國?!而且從大門進來之後,來到的是一間宅邸,聚集了11個國家和時代都不同的偉人們... ...

作品完成~ ✨✨
作品下方兩張是作品中我親自繪製的背景作品。很像「歌劇魅影」中女主角 克莉絲汀 的房間。

The game is mainly on the way that the heroine is traveling around France and came to the famous Louvre. As a result, a door appeared in the palace, and she opened the door with curiosity. She did not expect that she passed through France in the 19th century? ! And after coming in from the gate, she came to a mansion that gathered 11 great people from different countries and ages...

The artwork is finished~!! ✨✨
After finishing this artwork, I guess I would like to do a series.
The background under the artwork is a western house. It's like the actress of the movie "The Phantom of the Opera" : Christine's room.
The great people No. 1: Napoléon Bonaparte

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