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Julie's Reference Sheet

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5 years ago

  • medibang

  • persona

  • abouttired

General Info:

- Name: Julie
- Age: 14
- Birthday: April 23rd
- Gender: Female
- Sexuality: Biromantic; Demisexual
- Relationship Status: Single
- Height: 4'5 (ahoge makes this vary)
- Weight: ≈45kg

- Likes: Coffee; Drawing; Sleeping; Flowers (mostly roses); Music; Her Twin Brother; Playing the Piano; Rain; Cold Nights; Stargazing; Helping People Out; LGBTQ+ Community
- Dislikes: Prejudice; Crowds; Hot Weather; Socializing; Spiders; Peer Pressure; P.E.

- Personality: Julie's calm, almost too calm, except when around the little close friends she has. She looks dead most of the time but knows how to stand for her friends when necessary, specially when it comes to her brother, Melo. She's overall constantly tired, to the point where it can be considered a whole lack of adrenaline, an illness even. She's usually cold but kind, two sides that battle for dominance in which usually the kind and caring side usually win, in other words the one who'll speak up is the heart and not the mind.

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