일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 afroskatez의 일러스트

🌻Spring Sisters~🌻

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  • medibangpaint

Hello! I am very, very sorry I have been a ghost lately (lol) I've been busy for a test but, yay I'm back! This is one of my longest and hardest working pieces of art. I am so excited to share this! ❗DISCLAIMER❗Please do not steal it! I took so much time and dedication to make this! And you may copy, but before you just say "Oh, she made this, I'm just gonna steal this and make lots of followers and profit off of it but NO. I will not allow this. I want my art to be seen, not stolen. 🌼I M P O R T A N T C L A I M S🌼 This has taken me three hours if you include the line art and coloring. 🌺 Shortcuts🌺 I do not have this super smooth art power, but I used correction and set it on 20. 20 is the highest it can get, and it makes your art so smooth like a newborn's bottom (eww no) Also, I used bucket paint and the paint was kinda weird looking and left patches soooo I just painted the patches without correction. 🌺Have a blessed day/night lovelies!🌺

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    신작순 afroskatez의 일러스트




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