일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 risavisven의 일러스트

🐆 Doodle LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 6


  • kemono

  • anthro

  • magnorose🌹

  • cloudedleopard

  • charister🌹

Gibbb it's Gibran, da big teefy catto 🐆

I can't talk much about Gib rn but he'll free Louie and Agatha from their crime family. He's some sort of a snitch :p

Anyway when there's no food (or illicit goods) to deliver, he becomes a typical waiter in RG.⠀

Lore tiem, I miss doing this⠀

Assume you don't know that Rosegoldine is actually run by criminals (this guy's one of them, too) and you wanted to dine somewhere fancy🗿what're you going to order there? ⠀

They offer various local and western cuisines. Their fried rice and capcay is the best in town, if you don't know what to choose, he'd prolly recommend it to you.⠀

(No meat based stuff cos it's illegal in their world, wouldn't it be weird to eat the remains of your ox friend? So no rendang, sadly ;( can still eat fishes and crabs though)⠀

Make sure you’ve got enough net worth to cope with their prices, as one dinner alone can dry your wallet fast. Also they're cash-only.⠀

    다음 작품

    신작순 risavisven의 일러스트


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