일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Beepbopskobep의 일러스트

Herb cookie’s yoga classes (With plant friends!)

즐겨찾기 2


  • 팬아트

  • cookierunfanart

  • herbcookie

  • 쿠키런

  • cookierunkingdom

  • CRK

I’m trying a variety of art styles and I'm starting to stick with this sort of one (Although It will probably change in a week/month or so) I’m experimenting and this was a bit of a quick drawing kinda thing.I’m kind of happy but I 100% think everything here could be better I’m just not sure how but I think I’ll find it along the way of my art development.I want to be more active on here and make Friends of sorts since I’m a bit lonely but I feel I won’t get very noticed again since I recently just got back into posting my art here. Oh yeah btw I didn’t just stop making art I started to make art even when I wasn’t posting but I was embarrassed to post them and felt they weren’t good enough. But now I’ve realised I’ll never be good enough or ready to post quality art and it’s better to just keep posting your art so you can see your art journey and feel proud from how long I’ve come.Sorry this has become so ranty. I’ve just been bottling up my frustration of my art.

    다음 작품

    신작순 Beepbopskobep의 일러스트




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