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在厕所地板看到的轮廓 (a contour on the floor in the toilet)

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3 years ago

  • watercolor

  • drawing

  • art

  • vincent

在厕所地板看到的一个轮廓 一个高高的人 看到发型应该是一个女性 不过艺术不应该局限于什么性别 我还看到高高的草 我脑里所想的就是这个人比我们还高(合理怀疑是我家人拖水桶拖到的) 每次上厕所都在思考它 刚好最近我妈买了新的水彩 就来画一画 夜空因为太空 刚好想到最近看了神秘博士中vincent can gohg的一集 就画了下去
里面也包括了我所想的 不知道为什么 我总是那么喜欢抽象画 也许是因为可以传递一些我心中所想 但却不那么直接的表达(可能是现实中的我有点内向吧)好奇你们看到这幅画的感想是什么 希望你们写在留言区让我知道~
I saw a contour on the toilet floor. A tall person and i saw that it should be a female because its hairstyle (but the art shouldn’t be limited to any gender) In my mind, the person was taller than us. I also saw some tall grasses. (But it is reasonable to suspect that my family dragged the bucket to it.) Every time I go to the toilet, I think about it.Recently, my mom bought a new watercolor.Because of the sky was too empty and I remember that have an episode abaout Vincent Van Gohg in Doctor Who,so i add some stars(? in my painting.It also includes what I think.
((hope you guys like it~~

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