일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Muna Sketches의 일러스트

CONTEST!! (it ended though-)

즐겨찾기 12


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  • MunaContest

For celebrating my 100 followers I'm going to do this contest! (THANK UUU)

Design my OC Muna a full body outfit! I really need an outfit for her since i cant think of any ->- Her theme is Moon but you can just do a normal outfit for her if you want. More than one submission is aloud.
I will be judging based on which one I like the most ! If it looks pleasing with her basically.

1st place: A complex request, a shout out, and a simple request.
2nd place: A medium request, a custom adopt, and a shout out.
3rd place: A simple request, a custom adopt, and a shout out.
4th place: A medium request.
5th place: A simple request.

Deadline: 20th of March
Make sure to add the tag MunaContest so i can find it!
Have fun! <3
Complex request: Your character or whatever you request is in a drawing that I work really hard on and/or in a backround, full body.
Medium request: Not too complex nor too simple.
Simple request: Half body, or shoulders and up

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    신작순 Muna Sketches의 일러스트


    Muna Sketches


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