Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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The Axis as Danganronpa Sprites [APH/DR] LEVEL 1

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Views 369

4 years ago

  • 本田菊

  • フェリシアーノ・ヴァルガス

  • ルートヴィッヒ

Do not trace, use, or edit my work without my permission.
I had this idea earlier this week and decided to do it. Should I do more characters in the style of Danganronpa sprites, or just pixel art in general? Personally I found this fun to do, and I'd like to do more of it.
Sorry for being gone for a month, it's been a hard month for me personally. I'll try to upload more regularly in the future. I do have like three other pictures I'm currently working on, in various stages of completion. I'll probably upload those when I'm done with them if I don't think it's complete trash by then ;w;.
Anyway have a nice day and thanks for reading the description. I feel like barely anyone does so I'm just wasting time writing these, xD

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