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Latest Future the NightWing’s art

Opinion: The RainWing tribe isn't all peaceful

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3 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • WOF

  • WingsofFire

  • WoF

  • wof

This is self-explanatory, but I'll explain anyway. SPOILERS FOR BOOKS 3 AND 8. My reasoning behind thinking this, is that RainWings are portrayed as very innocent in book 3, such as saying stuff like "Who would ever use their venom on another dragon?" and saying how the whole tribe raises the dragonets, ect. ect. This quote goes against all of that. It's not that the RainWings shouldn't think it's funny that Chameleon is the only dragon who can't change colors, it's that they laughed for days. It is also heavily empathized that they teased him over it.

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