插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Achillesverse_Art op. 66的插畫


我的最愛 6
閱覽數 74


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Hello! This is a drawing of a character I had for a while. Please say hello to Ben (Benjamin), bumingtion, bell. Half cat half black panther, I have had this character for a while but have only recently been able to draw him in a way I liked since for my long “break” I have been working on my weakness which is drawing humans. This is also my first attempt at drawing them digitally, so it’s not the best. But I hopefully will have some more practice and become better. Funny thing he is acutely based of my cat pencil pouch. Soon I will also hopefully be able to draw all my other characters to show you all. Anyways thank you and please have a lovely rest of your day.


    上傳時間 Achillesverse_Art op. 66的插畫



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