일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 EdibleMarKers의 일러스트

Dta,Cbta adopt entrie for weird kiddo(bio in desc) LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 3


  • medibangpaint

  • adopt

  • dta

  • cbta

name: Tristan Albright
nicknames: anywhere srom flower boy to just Trist
personality: Rather shy and quiet around stangers, but usualy pretty open around those he knows. He likes to help out when he can, you know, without touching anything. he seeks confort by snuggling himself into his scarf when he needs to.
how he trys avoid directly touching things: he either pushes his hand back into his sleave or scarf and uses his sleave like a form of glove, or he just uses a glove, but overtime the flowers and nature inside the glove pile up, so it dosnt work very well.
likes: nature, stuff to snuggle in, and baked sweet potatos(he thinks their tasty :) )
dislikes: loud noises, raising his voice, peaple touching him, and hes kindoff a pacifist unless hes in a relly difficult situation, so he dosnt like violence.
iv never done a Cbta before...i hope i did it right.
also sorry the drawings sideways, i was drawing at an odd angle. Any btw im still working on contest prizes...

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    신작순 EdibleMarKers의 일러스트




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