일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 E.Sánchez의 일러스트

ASTRID The Last Warrior Of The Vortex

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  • 1monthOCcontest

  • Warrior

  • animeart

  • NorthernLights

  • FantasyArmor

Astrid is renowned for her outstanding service in the legendary tales. As a warrior and loyal servant of the Vortex, she sacrificed her life for it... only to find herself traversing the murky paths of destiny. Her armor, a relic of ancient master craftsmen, was forged to provide supernatural resistance to physical attacks. The blue and gray tones of her attire reflect the colors of ice in their hearts, while the emerald green details symbolize her connection to the northern lights that guide her path.

Astrid wears pants of a pale pink, reminiscent of the dawn skies. Her serious and determined gaze mirrors her indomitable soul, and her dark brown hair, cut in uneven layers, flows in the wind like a banner of her free and rebellious spirit.

I've made some minor adjustments to enhance the fluidity and clarity of the text. If you have further adjustments in mind or need additional assistance, feel free to let me know.

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    신작순 E.Sánchez의 일러스트




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