Fire Elf Girl
Heyyy MediBang! Long time no see! ^^
Sorry for being so inactive recently, besides G+; school, homework, shopping, and my pure laziness are definitely all to blame. I apologize for not posting much here anymore, but in the meantime I've taken to improving my art, but before I talk about that lemme give just a quick rundown:
Since I've been gone, I've become literally OBSESSED with Roostertooth's heavenly cartoon, Camp Camp. I literally love it as much as Hetalia. No if's, and's, or but's about that, either.
In terms of my art though, I've nearly ditched black outlines entirely- yup, you all heard me right! Now I do a mixture of lineless and colored lines, and honestly I'm proud of this style change, alongside various details I'm sure you can spot for yourselves ^^
Also, I've become quite swept up in mythical creatures and I draw monster girls.
Anyways, that's it for today! See you all soon (aka. Whenever I get another digital drawing idea lmao) and stay cool! <3