Olivier Mira Armstrong
repost/share with credit
Lineart and colouring is both mine. Lineart was made by watching part of this tutorial: https://youtu.be/v8OV-tHQFd8. I added an overlay post-production but looking back, that might not have been the best decision (although I'm not sure if I only think that b/c of the eyes).
References used:
Eyes: https://youtu.be/mL2czWG8yNY
Lip highlights: https://goo.gl/images/jVE4Lz
Gosh this was so difficult!! I wanted to make a vibrant 2D piece but that just wasn't working, so I went for a semi-real approach (which is good practise since I am not good at it). I really don't like her eye shape but I spent about 2 hours on her face alone so I figured this was just the best I could do right now.
I would like to reattempt this piece one day but be a lot more faithful to her original design!! Especially her hair.
Suggested by Livi
Thank YOU RED!!! 🌸🌸🌸🌸