Raechy (Me as OC)
4 years ago
Hello everyone meet Raechy- me! I've made a few test drawings to look at the colors and which one is the best! The first one it the original look and the right/ complete drawing of me. (Raechy is NOT my true name... yet) Raechy is a female, has a fox body + colors, tiger marks, purple hair (cause why not) and a black tatoo. If her emotions get out of control or just to much (me daily) her tatoo disappears and her purple wings show up. People we live in a hell world so why not purple wings, don't be so judgy plz :3. The second drawing is a sketch and the third is a 3D model made with Feral Heart. Later I will make some comics with her and some animatics + animations iwth it is possible on this AWESOME website. Ya all have a good day now, don't give up people while the crisis . Raechy signing out!
This is MY character do not even try to steal/kopie it, trust me you'll regret it! x3