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All I wanted for Christmas... 🎁 LEVEL 1

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2 years ago

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Dear ART STREET Santa,
Merry Christmas!! I hope you're all doing fine and thank you for all of your hard work and kind support. Also a BIG thank you to the whole ART STREET team for working on Christmas! 😁
As for the gift I really really want and need... is a drawing tablet! I have never had one nor I have touched it! (I know it's embarassing). I tried very hard but couldn't get one... because I had a small budget which I spent on my little sister's gift.
Drawing with a mouse is very time consuming and need lot of efforts. I really need to improve my art skills and I have to get better this coming year. I really want to experience drawing on a drawing tablet. So will you please take my wish into consideration? It'll be the first ever tablet of my life!!! (If I got selected, of course...)
I have provided the link below so please take a look!!

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