插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 Vinnymukay的插画

Cornan and Ai-Pin

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浏览数 114


  • 1monthOCcontest

  • 原创人设

  • 人设

  • fighter

  • Funny

  • fantasyart

The hairy one is called Cornan, and the bald one is called Ai-Pin. Both are part of a fantastic world set in the Northeast region of Brazil, where beings from Brazilian folklore coexist with people. Cornan is an adventurer who is seeking to prove himself and searching for his missing father whom he never knew. Among his abilities is super strength derived from the horn on his hat, and he wields the 'Peixeira Arretada', a blade that grows according to his will. His adventure companion, Ai-Pin, is a fighter from the Order of Kalangos. He was born without arms and as a result was left at the doorstep of the Order's barracks sometime after his birth. In addition to knowing the Kalango da Caatinga fighting style learned in the Order, he has the power to see long distances, but Ai-Pin doesn't know how to control it. Therefore, he keeps his eyes closed, since the more he opens them, the closer things get to his vision, causing a lot of confusion.


    时间顺序 Vinnymukay的插画





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