me and Heket :D LEVEL 1
Heket would hate me, most of the bishops would. I think it's funny that I would love and treat Heket about the same as I would with Shamura. like I'd give her the attention she doesn't want.
so in my game, I was just playing and doing my work as a leader. at one point Heket ran up to me with a follower quest, and so rudely said that if I truly was the leader, would the cult look nicer? (this made me mad, my cult is stunning >:[ ) so I built more decorations. then a few in game days pass and she gives me another quest to "grow the crops in the farm faster" so I do the ritual that makes the crops grow immediately (I forgot the name) then a couple more in game days pass and she gives me ANOTHER quest, telling me that fish should be jumping in my nets, so I do the ocean ritual. when this happened for the FOURTH TIME, I had lost it and yelled "HEKET! WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" and she replied with "Will you marry me?" I accepted😅 I guess she's my wife now😂