일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 BlackkittyXian의 일러스트

Contest with MilkyWayCorn(where I from) LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 10


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I'm form Malaysia, an Malaysian Chinese, we technically have traditional clothing like Tang suit, tunic suit and the cheongsam etc, just like people in China. But no Chinese here dress like that at least not anymore, I never once wear them too, so here is my boring shirt again lol
For history, Malaysia is a pretty crazy place back in the day(properly still is), if you want a tourist destination I will say Melaka, once owned by different faction, Portugal, Dutch, British, Japan, it's better to check out the wiki if you interested, there's no way I explain it all in here.
For the pictures it's the cats status in the city I life in, called Kuching, which in Melayu mean Cat, yep.
Street fill with at least 3 different languages (Melayu, Chinese dan English),and all different styles of building is properly one of first coolest thing foreigners notice.
This properly not meet your contest requirements, but I hope it give you a image what's the place I live feel like at least.

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    신작순 BlackkittyXian의 일러스트




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