插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 🌻sunflower🌻的插畫

Meet the artist

我的最愛 24
閱覽數 486


  • medibangpaint

  • 粉色

  • 白色

  • :D

  • meetheartist

  • special360followers

  • Orange?

Oh well, is here, so yeah you know me now :), sorry for no posting in a week? Idk lol. Hmm Here are a few extra things about me: I have been drawing in digital for 3 years, my favorite color is yellow and Orange, my favorite tree is a willow tree, I VERY LIKE SCISSOR SEVEN YEAAH, i have 6 pets :], i'm 13 🌱 I AM NERVOUS BRO My heart can beat a thousand times a second. I don't have other social networks, I only have Instagram and pinterest and a single account on art street, if you see me on another site that's not me, do me a favor and report it thanks.


    上傳時間 🌻sunflower🌻的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP