일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 CensoredMax의 일러스트

Horns // OC(s?)

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  • medibangpaint

  • Horns

  • 자캐

((I'm proud of the horns -w-))
Names: Susan and Zen
Zen is the child, he is male.
Susan is the tall one. She is female
I will be putting in zen's info first ((Example: Zen is *****, Susan is ****,******* ****))
Ages: 13, Dead
Jobs: None, none
Races: Human, devil
Extra notes / Back story
When zen was 11 He had major problems with his heart, so he had to get it replaced, and it was replaced with Susan.
Later on, Zen was play "Santanic games" When he managed to meet Susan, they talk for a while, until She told Zen that if He doesn't let her in control, she would leave...And take her heart with her. Susan Couldn't take the heart, But Zen believed she could, So they struck the deal.

Extra notes:
Susan was a mass murderer,
Zen was very popular
Susan died at 23.
Zen is easy to trick.
Thanks for read dis. -Max

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