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can someone please draw one of the bishops, please LEVEL 1

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10 months ago

  • medibangpaint

  • cultofthelamb

Ok I'm sorry if I sound rude but I really want someone else to draw one of the bishops. I have asked people I know if they can draw one but they always say "I cAn'T dRaW" when I know very well that they can cuz I always see them drawing, I even asked my sister if she could but she also says no. I just want at least one person to draw one of the bishops for me :( you can draw whichever one you want and can draw it however you want, as long as you are comfortable. the choices are leshy (a green worm) Heket (a red frog) Kallamar (a blue squid) and Shamura (a purple spider). Narinder does not count as a bishop. I suggest getting references for them. you do not have to do this, but I would appreciate it if you do, I'll even do something in return, ur choice :) I just want at least one person to draw one of the bishops for me. please :)

if you do do it, please tell me in the comments

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