일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 leif irrumado의 일러스트

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  • medibangpaint

*sigh* here we go.
I'm not sad or anything! It's just... I'm feeling... troubled.
To sum it up as best I can, I feel like I'm a Grey trapped in a world of Black and White.
I look at boys and see arrogant idiots who fight each other for fun. I look at girls and see egotistical brats who only care about themselves and how well they're doing. I'm pretty sure it's just me, though...
I can't help but feel like I'm different. I'm a girl who looks at girls more often than instead look at boys when it comes to love, without really feeling it. I question wether I'm really a girl because I'm just not comfortable with being a girl.
I'm scared. I'm scared to find out how my parents, my friends would react if I told them this. I'm scared I'll end up just changing my mind if I tell them. I'm scared no one I know will ever accept me for being... who I 'am'.
I feel like I'm wrong for preferring they/them and he/him over she/her.
Oof. Best scenario I'm overreacting again.

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    신작순 leif irrumado의 일러스트


    leif irrumado


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