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时间顺序 Daria Er的插画

True story about my love and my grandma's jewelry

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浏览数 147


  • 你想要的礼物2020

  • 你想要的礼物2020:1万日元部门


My husband and I met by chance on the "Slowly".We immediately realized we're soulmates.I'm from Ukraine, he's from Kazakhstan.It's 4000 miles.We tried a thousand way to be together during 6 months.Due covid we couldn't meet.Ticket costs a lot, so we both were working days and nights.Finally, quarantine was eased, and I got to my love, and we got married.But it's not a happy end. Migration rules are terrible, despite the fact we're married I can't stay here.And since we don't want live apart, we should go together.We've already sold all we had, our car, computer, and to my biggest regrets my grandma's jewelry.She gave me them at my wedding and said, "Keep it for a time when you're in the biggest trouble".And for me the biggest trouble is separation from my biggest love.I really want to receive this gift, to feel confident about tomorrow.Someday I'd give it to my daughter.
P. S.I'm submitting a few works, my life's taught me to be persistent.Thank you in advance


    时间顺序 Daria Er的插画


    Daria Er



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