Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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4 years ago

  • manga

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  • Panamá

  • D-Hunters

  • mangart

  • D-hunters

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  • Charapter

After his tragic past since childhood. He has trained to be a demon hunter and protect his hometown Reapercite ...

Although he is usually somewhat impulsive and childish, In serious situations he can be a great strategist and leader.

When he finally succeeded, he became the first member of the sixth squad of the "F" division of hunters led by his mentor Enzo.


Tras su trágico pasado desde pequeño. A entrenado para ser cazador de demonios y proteger su ciudad natal Reapercite ....

Aunque suele ser algo impulsivo e infantil, En situasiones de gravedad puede ser un gran estratega y lider.

Cuando por fin lo logró se convierte en el primer integrante de la sexta escuadra de la división "F" de cazadores a cargo de su mentor Enzo

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