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Villain Contest! >:D LEVEL 3

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2 years ago

  • kiwi_plantvillain

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Ello Ello pepperonis! Welcome to the first official contest by the talking kiwi >:D
So, as the name suggest the character you'll be drawing shall be some sort of villain character. They can be a super evil murderous one or evil but also a softie. Whatever floats your boat :D
However, there is a twist! Your villain characters should be themed around a selected plant or plants. Meaning the powers or tech, aesthetic, etc. of the Villain should be themed around your selected plant! Think of people like Poison ivy from DC and that type of stuff! While you can do common plants like Roses and what not, I'd be interested to see some rare or exotic plants used because they can offer cool powers or character designs! The deadline for this is the 11th of September- So you have two weeks! If you need more time, just let me know :D When you post your submission for this, include the tag following this post: kiwi_plantvillain

Good luck to those who decide to join! Remember to have fun :D
- kiwi -w-

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