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2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
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What I want for christmas comic LEVEL 1

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5 years ago

  • giftyouwant

Dear ARTstreet santa..

What I want for christmas is a XP-Pen Artist 12 worth about 30,000 yen. I've recently went thought a huge amount of sadness and stress in my low paying job that I don't want to talk about. I know that I can save up for one BUT life is hard and my money needs to be saved to move out of my parents house. I know you can't help me with that but having this XP-pen tablet 12 will allow me to continue my love for drawing and develop further as a artist. I know that I draw much quicker on a screen compared to a graphic tablet.

I went all out for this and even if I don't win, I want to thank you for the opportunity. I really had fun drawing and planning this submission out! I wanted to do something different rather then showing you what I wanted. I don't do comics often so I wanted to do it!

Best luck to everyone else!


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