일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Jen Jen의 일러스트

Happy Valentines Day 💗💗 LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 16


  • 소녀

  • 핑크

  • art

  • 창작

  • cute

  • 남자애

  • 커플

  • gift

  • ValentinesDay

  • procreate

Happy Valentine’s y’all ! <33

Today is a special day with a special drawing that I’m gonna dedicate to my beloved Sebastian :]]

sebby u mean the most to me bc u are just the best person to enter my life, EVER- you’re always there when I need comfort or advice you’re literally the sweetest person I could ever be with! :>>
Tysm for being with me, it means a lot that you care about me,, I love everything abt you including ur face and smile and humor, even ur voice is just so pretty and handsome 💗💗
im so happy to be in a relationship with u and I’m so glad that you’re here to spend this special day with me bug :DD

I hope u have an amazing day baby 💕

His profile: https://medibang.com/u/JenMyBeloved/

Hope you like it <33

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    신작순 Jen Jen의 일러스트


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    Jen Jen


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