일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Floweran의 일러스트

May Birthstone

즐겨찾기 1


  • medibangpaint

  • Hope

  • May

  • Emerald

  • Villager

  • Birthstone

This is May birthstone, Emerald. But this pic is difference, than other picture. Cause the word for may is hope. There is hope meme but I choose it the true meaning hope.
Alright here the story. (Warning bad writing)
Emerald was a peaceful housewife, with great husband who also a villager. They have cute little child that is a hybrid. I do not know how she survive the sacrificial birth. So they living peacefully together until one player come in. The player it seem nice on outside. On night all villager went inside. The player went the neighbor house do sleep their bed. On the day one neighbor did' t sleep well. His friend ask them what happens. While player went to build a wall for the villager. All seem confuse but it went doing normal life. On day at day, the player begin to change when finish building the wall. It begin do change village, making more slavery. First took one villager through and another villager on pink house for breeding. The rest will be you imagination. No space.

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    신작순 Floweran의 일러스트


    Derp Hobbyist


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