일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Salli의 일러스트

Terra Form Water/Cloud 9

즐겨찾기 1


  • Post_Multiple_Images_Contest

  • 선화

  • medibang

  • cover

Maybe this can be something like a cover, I really don't know. I was just drawing something. Below is a brief description of the drawing process.

1.) This is my traditional penciled version.
2.) I placed the penciled version on my light pad and inked it in.
3.) I uploaded the inked picture into Medibang (PC Version) and extracted the lines.
4.) I tried a screen toned method (my first time doing using screen tones so if it looks a little off you know why)
5.) The last picture is an entire different method. I used the pencil brush to finish touching up the ink.

The entire process took me over a span of three days (not full days). I can probably color it, but then I might get frustrated...

Anyways, thanks for viewing and if you have any questions or comments list them down below!!


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    신작순 Salli의 일러스트


    Happy Cartoonist


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