插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Katyarobot8的插畫

60+ followers adopts contest! (read desc) LEVEL 1

我的最愛 6
閱覽數 132


  • art

  • contest

  • adopts


hi guys! thanks for the followers! because of that i wanted to make a contest, but a different kind of one. basically, you pick one of the characters (please comment which one you are picking) and you have to draw them in your style, as well as make up a cute colorscheme for them. the person who has the best drawing of the character that they pick gets the adopt. also, there will also be a prize for someone who has a really good drawing, but didnt get one of the adopts. they will be an "honorable mention" and will get to make a request for me to draw ANYONE. the contest will most likely end on april 31st, but if anyone needs more time then the time limit will be extended. you have to be following me to enter btw. updates on the contest will be posted on the timeline through topics, or through the comments of this post. if you have questions, please comment them below. have fun drawing, and good luck!


    上傳時間 Katyarobot8的插畫





    今天的LEVEL UP