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New Contest! (read desc) LEVEL 3

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3 years ago

  • Asher_Grimm

  • GrimmsContest

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I feel like doing another contest and hopefully it doesn't become a total flop like my last few contests!

Rules are simple:
Draw a character, any of my characters as long as its one owned by me (the image can be a headshot or a bust)
No NSFW or 18+ related content (blood is Allowed)
Use tag "GrimmsContest" so I can easily find your submission or link it under this post!

The deadline is March 26th (my Birthday) I can extend the contest if you want more time to finish!
Winning prizes:
First place: 2requests and 2 custom adoptables
Second place: 1request and 1costum adoptable
Third place: 1 request or 1 custom adoptable
Please join, and have fun !!

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