일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Phia is a name의 일러스트

We be celebrating 32 followers! LEVEL 1

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등록된 태그가 없습니다

We hit not only a milestone of 25 but 30, thank you so much for following me! I plan on celebrating hitting milestones of 25, so like 50 ,75, etc. Also in celebration of 32 followers there is a Q&A. If you had any additional questions that weren’t answered then you can go ahead and leave a comment and I will answer to the best of my abilities. So now its time for the answers:
What do you draw on? iPad.
What is your favorite Show? That would depend on who I’m talking to.
When did you begin your love for art? I always loved art, but when I started to see all the amazing artist on YouTube like ABD Illustrates, I started to want to become better at it. I never expected a coping mechanism to become a talent of mine.
You like bread? Yes
What inspired you to start drawing and start publishing your drawings? YouTube inspired me, as for publishing I kinda just wanted to see if anyone liked my art.
Favorite food? Molten lava cake with ice cream and whipped cream on the side.
Have a nice day!

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    신작순 Phia is a name의 일러스트


    Phia is a name


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