2 years ago
Behold, a radical new mascot for anti-bullying! I was inspired by fresh!ink’s recent appearance in Underverse, plus I’ve always disliked the majority of “fresh” sanses for making them skinnier then fresh!sans, so I thought I would make this abomination that embodies all negativity & funky fresh times.
He was “made” when fresh & nightmare made a deal that could benefit both of them, causing the infection to create him.
He feels as if he is at inner peace at all the times, with abrupt bouts of negativity from other sources always catching him off guard, & quickly tries to fix the problem, often worsening it in the process.
Along with being able to mix nightmare & fresh!sanses powers, he can also make goopy clones of the parasite to infect others near him (which they then act as their fresh counterparts)