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Latest d1ssolv3d.T0by’s art

W.I.P. drawing of my FMAB OC and Edward

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6 months ago

  • medibangpaint

  • anime

  • digital

  • oc

  • WIP

  • ship

  • EdwardElric

  • self-insert

  • workinprogress

  • FMAB


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ik it's cringe you don't have to tell me-
also, they've got a new design! instead of the black t-shirt and black baggy jeans, they've got a similar outfit to Edward's in Conquerer of Shamballa now. the differences are: they don't have the thing around their arm towards the top (idk what it is😭), they have a black vest instead of a brown one, and their pants are also black. their jacket has remained the same. I changed the fingerless gloves to not have fishnet and so that they have a red flamel on the back (a flamel is the thing on the back of Edward's coat and the thing on the shoulder of Alphonse's armor)
I changed it so that it's more like 1914, when the anime takes place.

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