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Latest k4n4shtoki’s art

Khlt'Tarh, the master of knowledge

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4 years ago

  • oc

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  • conceptdesign

  • darkfantasy

  • eldritch

  • scholar

  • hplovecraft

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  • greatoldones

  • knowledge

Concept art of a great ones, Khlt'tarh (Kalttara), master of the universal knowledge.
inspired by many thing to list it.
Supposed to be an illustration for a larping group, (And they failed) there are the concept of one the gods.

''your conclusion isn't there yet, but you cannot know where you came from and how you will end... but each part of your story will be delectable.''
Khlt'tarh, 1. 10

''You are like a fine book, but you are not quite sophisticated, deep enough or instructive for my appetite of knowledge, you are just a simple distraction, such as your own art... limited.''
Book of agony, ch. 5 p. 14

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