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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

(Welp, I made my own redesign of my humanoid Mama Tattletail)

Name; Maime Miks (alias: Mama Tattletail or Co Commander of Germany)
Gender: Genderfluid or Agender *they can probably change their gender identity anytime when they feel like. Their child appearance is a male, but can be changed. Their adult character is a female, still they can change their gender by their own fluid of blood pressure. They were considered genderless*
Sexuality: Bisexual *possibly it could be because they are into both females and males*
Can be called? "he, she, they" * because they are genderless by pressure*
Relationship: Millia (enemy), Ko'be (enemy), Haivy (enemy), Papa *real name is Pape or Papacy, or Pap* (friends, ex-boyfriend), Bendy (ex-boyfriend, friends but not friends), Mallow (mother, team work)
Likes: guns, bats, vodka, kink, blood, battling, alone, flirting
Dislikes; tests, losing, gets yelled at, losing their patience, being disturbed, fetish (foot or anything)

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