Emoji Challenge 2
Hello friends! So I actually drew this 2 days ago but decided to submit it to ART Street today, soon either later today or tomorrow I'll upload the third emoji challenge artwork.
So this one was suggested by another one of my friends, not going to name names for privacy reasons but she does have a Youtube channel by the name of "Eyed ObnnieMC", she does mostly minecraft stuff, here's the link to her channel too: https://youtube.com/channel/UCSkcZrU99kQ23a9UV_lNIig
The emoji sequence she gave me was a purple square with a white cross in the center of it, a blue shooting star, and a smirking cat.
Naturally I thought, "Holy Cat Priest", n a t u r a l l y.
But I didn't want to make a furry, I wanted to keep this human creations so I went with this. Cat ears and expression (smirking) for the cat, turtle neck from the purple square with crosses and shooting stars in the background.
Again, challenger mode is enabled, try this challenge!
Have a wonderful day friends!
- Munhee the babo