Wolfwalkers LEVEL 1
The Art of Wolfwalkers (hardcover): https://www.amazon.com/Art-WolfWalkers-Charles-Solomon/dp/141974805X
Me and my sister are the big fans of Tomm Moore's works. His movies (The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea) inspired me to learn more about Ireland and its mythology, to seek for more stylized 2D animated movies, and to create my original characters. It would be great to own something related to his works, because we don't have any official merch here and the shipping is incredibly expensive :(
Sometimes it feels like we're the only people in our country, who watched his movies... But I know my fellow artists in school watched them and they were also inspired by these animations. I hope I have a chance to show them the Wolfwalkers art book ( ◜‿◝ )♡