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Good people....

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

I don't what happened.But, I think is better for me not to have friends and say goodbye to veryone so they see that i have feelings.Btw is it your fault that your "bff" stop talking to the boy she like.And when you don't like someone does it mean you are lesbian because if it does then please tell me.If you get to know a girl call Katerin Hernandez then be careful.She was the one who said all that stuff to me.I didn't ask to be like this is if she knew my past she wouldn't have told me all that stuff.Well bye then and maybe I will draw again(hope soon) after I make sure if I want to continue having friends.Because I know the other will give the opinion to Katerin only because she has a nice face and I am no one.

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