Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Latest 🌺🎄ScarletVibes🎄🌺’s art

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

I didn’t have room to draw it, but the different skulls possible are- dog/wolf (common), dragon (legendary), goat (rare), cat (uncommon).
1. Please use your oc (if you make one) at least once a week.
2. Give credit to me somewhere on your art
3. Stay with the guidelines. If it’s a hybrid, there are some acceptions.
4. Use whatever features you want (whether it be rare, common, uncommon, or legendary)
5. ASK ME before you make one, of you post it and I accept the oc, you can use it
6. NEVER say this is your species
7. Be sure your oc looks brooding and has a rude/mean/tsundere nature
8. The only horns aloud on your species is if they have a goat skull, and the spikes on the back of their head

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